研究方向 新型预应力混凝土结构 装配式结构 碳纤维预应力索结构 科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 钢绞线弯折群锚式梁柱连接节点传力机理及设计方法研究, 2025.01-2027.12. 主持 东南大学优秀博士学位论文培育基金项目, 预制装配预应力混凝土框架锚固技术与结构性能研究, 2021.03-2022.09. 主持 苏州科技大学科研启动经费项目, 预制预应力混凝土梁框架节点锚固与抗震性能研究, 2024.01-2026.12. 主持 江苏省自然科学基金—面上项目, 智能感知预制装配预应力混凝土框架梁连接与抗震性能研究, 2022.07-2025.06. 主研 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划, 铁路混凝土箱梁桥的性能演变机理及耐久性技术研究, 2017.09-2019.12. 参与 代表性论著 [1] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, Xinzhe Min, et al. Anchorage performance of group anchored 1860-grade high-strength steel strands for beam-column connection[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 349 (2022), 128664. (SCI/EI) [2] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, Xinzhe Min, et al. Overall pull-out behavior of group anchored steel strands with 90-degree hooked type [J]. Journal of Building Engineering. 62 (2022), 105257. (SCI/EI) [3] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, Bei Liu, et al. Pull-out behavior of non-prestressed steel strands in novel beam-to-column connection[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 282 (2021), 122538. (SCI/EI) [4] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, Bei Liu, et al. Bond stress distribution analysis between non-prestressed steel strand and concrete in novel beam-to-column connection[J]. Engineering Structures.242 (2021), 112523. (SCI/EI) [5] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, Bei Liu, et al. Experimental investigation on the anchorage performance of hooked high-strength steel strands for beam-to-column connection[J]. Structures. 46 (2022), 539–554. (SCI/EI) [6] Xing Li, Jiwen Zhang, and Jun Cheng. Study on the Stiffness Degradation in Concrete Continuous Beam with Externally Prestressed CFRP Tendons under Fatigue Loading[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering. (2021) DOI:10.1177/1369433221992492. (SCI/EI) [7] Jiwen Zhang, Xing Li*, Bei Liu, et al. Experimental investigation of the overall pull-out behavior of group anchored straight-type steel strands[J]. Engineering Structures. 266 (2021), 114543. (SCI/EI) [8] Xinzhe Min, Jiwen Zhang, Xing Li, et al. An experimental study on fatigue debonding growth of RC beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP plates[J]. Engineering Structures.273 (2022), 115081. (SCI/EI) [9] Xinzhe Min, Jiwen Zhang, Xing Li, Chao Wang, Yongming Tu, Gabriel Sas, Lennart Elfgren. A nonlinear prediction model of the debonding process of an FRP-concrete interface under fatigue loading[J]. Construction and Building Materials. 369 (2023), 130583. (SCI/EI) [10] Xinzhe Min, Jiwen Zhang, Yongming Tu, Xing Li, Chao Wang, Gabriel Sas, et al. A full-range fatigue life prediction model for RC beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP plates accounting for the impact of FRP debonding[J]. Engineering Structures. 301(2024), 117305. (SCI/EI) [11] 李星,蔺鹏臻,孙理想等.GFRP-钢混合配筋混凝土结构使用寿命预测方法研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2018,15(03):660-667. (EI) [12] 李星,杨子江,孙理想等,长期腐蚀环境影响下 GFRP-钢混合配筋混凝土构件的抗弯性能研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2017,14(12):2605-2612. (EI) [13] 李星,蔺鹏臻,孙理想等.GFRP-钢混合配筋混凝土板的耐久性及抗弯性能研究[J]. 铁道科学与工程学报,2017,14(5):997-1003. (EI) [14] 李星,孙理想,蔺鹏臻等.长期腐蚀环境影响下 GFRP 筋混凝土构件的老化机理及抗弯性能研究[J].玻璃钢/复合材料,2017 (6):12-17 [15] 李星,蔺鹏臻,孙理想等.FRP 筋混凝土板裂缝宽度的计算方法[J].铁道建筑,2017(3):6-9. 授权专利 [1] 顾盛,潘永东,杨俊,李胜利,李星,李敏,张鹏,张星.一种桥梁拉索锚固区损伤的快速检测方法及检测系统,授权发明专利(专利申请号: CN202410603390.5;申请日: 2024-5-15) [2] 顾盛,史文超,俞晓伟,吴涛,陶里,李星. 射线法检测楼板内部钢筋的体外标定方法及钢筋直径算法, 授权发明专利(专利申请号:CN202410866762.3;申请日:2024-7-1) 横向服务 业主委托科研项目:淮安某高层住宅纠偏项目加固方案设计,(2019.03-2020.11)参与 业主委托科研项目:预制装配预应力混凝土框架锚固技术与结构性能研究,(2021.03-2023.12)参与 业主委托科研项目:基于 X 射线成像的建筑结构质量检测技术与应用可行性评估,(2021.07-2022.10)参与
其他成果 |
⟡ 主/参编标准 碳纤维增强复合材料加固混凝土结构技术规程 T/CECS 146-2022(参编) 苏州市古建老宅加固规范(参编) |