发布日期:2022-02-12 浏览:次硕士研究生指导教师简介 |
姓 名 |
何 燕 |
性 别 |
女 |
出生年月 |
1987.12 |
最高学历、学位 |
研究生/工学博士 |
职 称 |
副教授 |
职 务 |
交通与材料党支部书记 |
电子邮箱 |
hey1019@sina.com heyan@usts.edu.cn |
个人简介 |
一、基本情况 何燕,女,副教授,博士,硕士生导师。毕业于同济大学获工学博士学位。2017年9月至今在苏州科技大学土木工程学院从事教学科研工作。2015年9月至2016年9月,国家公派赴加拿大多伦多大学进行博士联合培养(合作导师Hooton教授为加拿大工程院院士)。2023年10月至今,担任中国硅酸盐学会混凝土与水泥制品分会“混凝土青年论坛(常设)”指导委员会委员。2023年入选江苏省科技副总,2023年获交行奖教金(科研类),2020、2024年分别指导本科生获校优秀毕业论文,2024年获苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2022年、2020年分别获苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2021年获校微课教学比赛二等奖。 |
二、主要研究领域及学术成就 从事高性能化学外加剂构效配伍与优化设计、胶凝材料流变模型及水化动力学、固废资源化利用等相关理论基础与工程应用研究。在聚羧酸减水剂、无碱/低碱速凝剂、纳米改性化学外加剂以及碱激发剂优化制备与协同应用、多源固废配伍应用制备低碳复合胶凝材料与地聚合物、复合胶凝体系流变特性与水化微观结构表征及性能调控机制、以及通过多种化学外加剂协同提升胶凝材料体系工作性与物理力学性能等方面有深入研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目1项,国家重点实验室开放课题3项,省级重点实验室开放课题2项,江苏省建设系统课题1项,苏州市科协项目1项,苏州科技大学人才引进科研资助项目1项,苏州科技大学校青年基金1项。承担企事业单位委托横向科研项目4项。先后在Construction and Building Materials、Energy and Buildings、Journal of Building Engineering、Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects、ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering、Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry、Materials and Structures、硅酸盐学报等国内外重要学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录30余篇、EI收录16篇。申请国家发明专利8项,参编建材行业标准1项。担任Construction and Building Materials、Journal of building engineering、Energy and Buildings、KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering等学术期刊审稿人。 |
三、代表性科研成果 1.学术论文: [1] Yan He*, Guoqiang Zhang, Shun He, et al. Effect of C-S-H-PCE and TEA on performances of lithium slag-cement binder [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 78: 107659. (SCI) [2] Yan He*, et al., Effect of Sodium Silicate and C-S-Hs-PCE on Properties of LS-Cement Binder [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024, 36(5): 04024083. (SCI) [3] Yan He*, Keyang Liu, et al. Effects of microencapsulated phase change materials on the thermal performance of gypsum board [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2024, 320: 114602. (SCI) [4] Yan He*, Guoqiang Zhang, et al. Impacts of C-S-Hs-PCE and Na2SO4 on hydration properties of lithium slag-cement composite binder [J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2024, 149(17), 9073-9083. (SCI) [5] Yan He*, Guoqiang Zhang, et al. Influence of C-S-Hs-PCE and Na2SO4 on the fluidity and mechanical performance of cement-lithium slag binder [J]. Materials and Structures, 2023. 56(9): 158. (SCI) [6] Yan He*, Chunyang You, et al., Rheological performance and hydration kinetics of lithium slag-cement binder in the function of sodium sulfate [J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023, 148(21): 11653-11668. (SCI) [7] Yan He*, Shuhua Liu, Xiong Zhang, et al. Influence of triethanolamine on mechanical strength and hydration performance of blended cement containing fly ash, limestone and slag [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 44: 102879. (SCI) [8] Yan He*, Hugang Ding, Shun He, et al. Influence of β-cyclodextrin modified PCE on fluidity and hydration behavior of cement paste [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 688: 133512. (SCI) [9] Yan He*, Shuhua Liu, R.D. Hooton, et al. Effects of TEA on rheological property and hydration performance of lithium slag-cement composite binder [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 318: 125757. (SCI) [10] Yan He*, et al. Synergistic Effect of C-S-H-PCE and Al2(SO4)3 on the Hydration Properties of Lithium Slag-Cement Composite Binder [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024, 36(12): 04024395. (SCI) [11] Yan He*, Shuhua Liu, Qi Luo, et al. Influence of PCE-type GA on cement hydration performance [J]. Construction and building materials, 2021, 302: 124432. (SCI) [12] Yan He*, Shuhua Liu, Qi Luo, et al. Effects of sulfates on adsorption-dispersing polycarboxylate behavior with different carboxylic densities [J]. Advances in cement research, 2021, 1900155. (SCI) [13] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Shuhua Liu, et al. Impacts of sulphates on rheological property and hydration performance of cement paste in the function of polycarboxylate superplasticizer [J]. Construction and building materials, 2020, 256: 119428. (SCI) [14] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, R.D. Hooton, et al. Influence of PCE on rheological and hydration performances of cement paste [J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(3): 04020002. (SCI) [15] Yan He*, Shuhua Liu, Tao Ji, et al. Effect of organosilane-modified PCE on the fluidity and hydration properties of cement-fly ash composite binder [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2020, 12. (SCI) [16] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Wanling Hong, et al. Effects of polycarboxylate superplasticisers with various functional groups on the pore structure of cement mortar [J]. Advances in Cement Research, 2020, 32(11): 510-518. (SCI) [17] 水亮亮, 杨海静, 孙振平*, 何燕, 等. 聚羧酸系减水剂作用机理的研究进展[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2020, 23(1): 64-69, 76. (EI) [18] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Yiting Wang, et al. Effect of PCEs with different functional groups on the performance of cement paste [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2019, 34(5), 1163-1169. (SCI) [19] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Liangliang Shui. Effects of PCEs with various carboxylic densities and functional groups on the fluidity and hydration performances of cement paste [J]. Construction and building materials, 2019, 202: 656-668. (SCI) [20] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Tao Ji, et al. Effect of carboxylic density on sulfate sensitivity of polycarboxylate superplasticizers [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(12): 5163-5172. (SCI) [21] 何燕*, 洪万领, 水亮亮, 等. 不同羧基密度聚羧酸减水剂对水泥石孔结构的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2019, 47(5): 632-638. (EI) [22] 何燕*, 张雄, 洪万领, 等. 聚羧酸减水剂酸醚比对其引气性能的影响[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2019, 22(2): 222-226. (EI) [23] 水亮亮, 杨海静, 孙振平*, 何燕, 等. 不同类型高效减水剂分散效果发挥速率及影响因素研究[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2019, 22(6): 853-859. (EI) [24] 张雄*, 张恒, 张晓乐, 何燕. 硅灰调控混凝土力学性能的关键界面参数研究[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2019, 22(4): 626-631. (EI) [25] Yan He*, Xiong Zhang, Yaning Kong, et al. Influence of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer on Rheological Behavior in Cement Paste [J].Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2018, 33(4): 932-937. (SCI) [26] 何燕*, 孔亚宁, 王啸夫, 水亮亮. 不同羧基密度聚羧酸减水剂对水泥浆体性能的影响[J].建筑材料学报,2018, 21(2): 185-188. (EI) [27] Dongdong Han, Weideng Chen, Shiyun Zhong*, Yan He. Effects of nonionic surfactants and external factors on stability of latex in cement paste[J]. Journal of applied polymer science, 2018, 135(10): 45946. (SCI) [28] Yongjuan Zhang, Ping Yu*, Fei Pan, Yan He. The synergistic effect of AFt enhancement and expansion in Portland cement-aluminate cement-FGD gypsum composite cementitious system [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(190): 985-994. (SCI) [29] Xiong Zhang, Heng Zhang*, Hui Gao, Yan He, Man Jiang. Effect of bubble feature parameters on rheological properties of fresh concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019(196): 245-255. (SCI) [30] Xiaowei Zhang*, Yan He, Chunxia Lu, et al. Effects of sodium gluconate on early hydration and mortar performance of Portland cement-calcium aluminate cement-anhydrite binder [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(157): 1065-1073. (SCI) [31] Yan He, Xiong Zhang*, R. D. Hooton. Effects of organosilane-modified polycarboxylate superplasticizer on the fluidity and hydration properties of cement paste [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017(132): 112-123. (SCI) [32] Yan He, Xiong Zhang*, Yongjuan Zhang, et al. Effects of particle characteristics of lightweight aggregates on the mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2014(72): 270-282. (SCI) [33] Yan He, Xiong Zhang*, Yongjuan Zhang. Preparation technology of phase change perlite and performance research of phase change and temperature control mortar [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2014(85): 506-514. (SCI) [34] Yan He, Xiong Zhang. Effect and Mechanism of Sulfates on Dispersity of Polycarboxylate-type Superplasticizers [J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016, 10. (SCI) [35] 何燕, 张雄, 顾明东, 等. 硅烷改性聚羧酸减水剂对水泥浆体流动性及水化进程的影响[J]. 硅酸盐学报, 2016, 44(8): 1166-1172. (EI) [36] 何燕, 张雄*, 张永娟. 硫酸盐影响聚羧酸减水剂分散性的作用机理[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(2): 252-258. (EI) [37] 何燕, 张雄*, 张永娟, 等. 含不同官能团聚羧酸减水剂的吸附-分散性能[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(2): 244-248. (EI) [38] 何燕, 张雄*, 张永娟, 等. 硫酸盐对聚羧酸减水剂吸附-分散性能的影响[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(2): 230-234. (EI) [39] 何燕, 张雄*, 张永娟, 等. 残余碳对掺萘系减水剂水泥浆体流变性的影响[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2014, 17(3): 507-510, 525. (EI) [40] 何燕, 张雄*, 张永娟. 硫酸盐对掺聚羧酸减水剂水泥浆体流变性的影响[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2015, 18(6): 930-934. (EI) [41] 何燕, 张雄*, 王义廷, 等. 碱金属盐对萘系减水剂吸附—分散性能的影响[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2016, 19(2): 347-351. (EI)
2. 发明专利: [1] 张雄, 何燕, 等. 硫酸盐竞争吸附型硅烷改性型聚羧酸减水剂及其制备方法, 中国, 201610264389.X(发明专利) [2] 张雄, 何燕, 等. 核电用超密实混凝土聚羧酸减水剂及其制备方法, 中国, ZL201510823415.3(发明专利) [3] 何燕, 等. 一种防腐高保坍聚羧酸复合减水剂及其制备方法与应用, 中国, ZL201510673344.3 [4] 张雄, 何燕, 等. 一种高分散型聚羧酸减水剂的制备方法, 中国, 201510387154.5 [5] 张雄, 苗春, 何燕. 用于高含碳量混凝土的聚羧酸复合减水剂、制备方法及其使用方法, 中国, ZL201410724480.6 [6] 何燕, 等. 一种缓释高保坍型聚羧酸减水剂的制备方法, 中国, 201810722013.8 [7] 何燕, 等. 一种具有相变控温调湿净化性能的复合材料及其制备方法, 中国, 201810722013.8 [8] 何燕, 等. 硅烷改性氧化石墨烯化学修饰型聚羧酸减水剂及其制备方, 中国, 201910184033.9
3. 主/参编标准: 预拌盾构注浆料,建材行业标准 |